
Enter the node labels:

Alpha parameter:

The node labels must be HUGO gene symbols. The human protein association network used comes from the STRING using a confidence score thresholde of 0.4. The example consists of genes related to Zellweger syndrome and was retrived from the DISEASES.

Note that it takes approximately 20 seconds from you press SUBMIT until you get the result.

Enter the node labels:

Alpha parameter:

The node labels must be Saccharomyces cerevisiae systematic ORF numbers. The yeast protein association network used comes from the STRING using a confidence score thresholde of 0.4. The example consists of genes causing G1 arrest when overexpressed.

Note that it takes approximately 10 seconds from you press SUBMIT until you get the result.

Enter the network:

Enter the node labels:

Alpha parameter:

The similarity matrix and the labels are both white-space-separated files. The names thus cannot contain speces. The similarity matrix can be specified as a sparse matrix; missing pairs are assumed to have a similarity of zero. The names in the labels file must match those in the matrix file, but not all names in the matrix need to have a label score. The scores in the label file are optional; if only names are given they are assumed to all have the same score.

Developed by Albert Pallejà Caro from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research and Lars Juhl Jensen from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research.